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Seprol Page


What were these old Seprols?

The Seprol S200, S50 and S1000 units were commonly used in the Water Authorities. They had inbuilt modems which made them highly suitable for remote sites such as pumping stations and so on. in the 1990s they were still the only "PLC" that could easily use a modem!

The Seriol RTU were suitable for use as PLC but Seprol referred to them as Programmable Telemetry Controllers (PTCs) to differentiate them from PLC & RTU.

What sort of language do they use?

An idiosynractic, unique version of backwards basic, eg:
Let 3=x
makes x equal to 3. Readable , just about but
Let y=x
is always confusing. It's supposed to sort of be like ladder (the flow of instructions going from left to right).

The software was truly dreadful (in an era of bad software), but later versions of the software (early 1992) which allow full tag names were usable.

They could be programmed with Seprol's internal "Recomp" (if you could find a sneaky copy) which was vastly superior to the standard (and very peculiar) Sercal.

The early Sercal used *.SEP files, but Recomp (and later Sercal versions) used *.SER files which allowed for tagnames instead of simple "v" variable names. Either way, they were text files, and early sercal was designed to use Wordstar & edlin as the standard editor (remember these?) as it had no internal editor.
Which Seprol PLCs can you program?
The S200, S50 and S1000 series (these are the 1990s generation)
Seprol 50
Seprol 100
Seprol 200
Seprol 500
Seprol 1000
Seprol 1200

Seprol Graphics Systems

What Seprol Graphics Systems were there? Seprol did not supply graphics systems but some graphic systems had links to Seprol units. There was a very low comms throughput allowed on early units, around 10 words per second.


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